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The person is walking at the rate of 4.8miles per hour (or 7.72km per hour in SI unit of measurment)

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Q: If a person walks 4 miles and takes them 50 minutes how fast is the person walking?
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The time it takes to walk 2.1 miles depends on the individual's walking speed. On average, a person walking at a moderate pace of 3 miles per hour would cover 2.1 miles in about 42 minutes.

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It depends on the person walking when it comes to how long it will take to walk 1.50 miles. Usually it takes about 20 - 30 minutes to walk just 1 mile. It depends on how fast the person is walking.

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It takes 20 minutes to walk 1 mile It'll take 10 minutes to walk 0.5 mile Therefore, 1 minute to walk 0.05 mile At the rate of 3mph, which is the average walking speed!

Is it possible to run 2 miles in about 3 minutes?

not really because it takes the average person to run one mile in 6 minutes

If you walk three miles in 44 minutes how many MPH would walking 2.10 a mile in 5.30 minutes be?

You would be walking at a pace of 23.8 miles per hour. This is a trick question because the first half ("If you walk three miles in 44 minutes..") is completely unrelated to the real question being "How many MPH would walking 2.10 a mile in 5.30 minutes be?" The way this answer was solved is by first finding out the fraction of hours that 5.30 minutes takes up by dividing 5.30 minutes by the number of minutes in an hour, which is 60. This gives an answer of .0883 hours. Since MPH stands for miles per hour or miles/hour, all that now needs to be done is to put 2.10 miles over .0883 hours and simplify (2.10 miles/.0883 hours). This comes out to about 23.8 miles per hour after following significant figure rules.

How long does it take to travel 1.2 miles at 60mph?

"60 mph" means 60 miles in 60 minutes. At that speed . . . -- 1 mile takes 1 minute -- 1.2 miles takes 1.2 minutes -- 37 miles takes 37 minutes etc.

How long will it take to walk 2.6 miles?

Well, it depends on how fast you're walking. But, and I'm just guessing, it probably takes about 35 minutes.

What is the Distance from Birmingham airport to NEC Birmingham?

It takes about 10 minutes by car, and 45 minutes walking.

How long does it take to drive twenty-two miles?

At 60mph it takes 22 minutes. At 30mph it takes 44 minutes. At 90mph it takes 11 minutes.

If driving at 60mph how long does it take to drive 188 miles?

At 60 mph, it takes x minutes to drive x miles. So 188 miles takes 188 minutes = 3 hours and 8 minutes.

How long is 50 miles in time?

It depends on the speed. At 60 miles per hour it takes 50 minutes. At 30 miles per hour it takes 100 minutes