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Q: If a postal worker can deliver mail to 18 houses in 15 minutes how many house will he be able to deliver to in 1 hour?
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What is the politically correct term for postman?

mail carrier (if they deliver mail) postal clerk (if they work inside the post office) postal worker (if you don't want to be specific about their job assignment)

Is it legal to wear a postal worker's hat if your not a postal worker?

It depends on what country you're in.

Is it a federal offense to threaten a postal mail carrier?

A post office worker or a postal mail carrier is a federal employee. It is a federal offense to threaten a postal worker.

Where does a postal worker works?

Wherever postal services need doing.

Is it ok for a postal worker to be on drug?


What was the treasure in the treasures of lemon brown?

a postal worker

What do the words go postal mean?

In the 1990's there was a rash of postal worker rage wherein many workers got out of hand to the point of bringing guns to work and shots being fired. As a result the phrases "go postal" or "go postal worker" were coined.

How much does postal worker earn in Georgia?

15.83 an hr

What is the most difficult part about being a postal worker?

I dont know you tell me

Who did David Berkowitz work for before he got caught?

Berkowitz was a postal worker.

The uniform of what trivia-obsessed Cheers character is now in the National Postal Museum?

Cliff took great pride in his job as a postal worker

Can a postal employee order a FL condo owner out of the mail room?

If the owner is interfering with the postal worker, then the postal worker may request that the owner remove him/herself from the room. Otherwise, there should be no reason for an owner not to have free access to the mail room. This does not mean, however, that the owner can interrupt or disturb the postal employee who is simply performing a service to the association's residents.