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Q: If a radiopulse takes 8948 nanoseconds to return from an airplane how many feet away is the airplane?
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Nanoseconds are a unit of time equal to one billionth of a second. They are used to measure extremely short durations such as the time it takes for electronic circuits to switch or for light to travel a very short distance.

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Jefferson Airplane Takes Off was created in 1965.

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LIDARLIDAR stands for Light Detection and Ranging. LIDAR sends laser light from the bottom of an airplane to the sea floor.The light reflects back to the airplane.LIDAR measures the time it takes for the reflections to return to the airplane.

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How long does it take a radar signal to go and return to the originating radar unit from an airplane that is 275 mi away?

The radar signal travels at the speed of light, which is approximately 186,282 miles per second. Therefore, the time it takes for the signal to go to the airplane and return would be around 0.0015 seconds.

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The tarmac/landing strip..

Can airplane takes off on the moon?

No. They need air for lift.

What way of traveling will you choose?

Flying in an airplane it takes the shortest.