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14.20m/s/s or 14.20m/s2 (the 2 is suppose to be the square sign)

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Q: If a rock falls at rest off a cliff and hits the ground in 1.5s what's the rock's velocity?
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A 12 kg rocks falls from rest off a cliff and hits the ground in 1.5 s.without considering air resistance what is the rock s velocity just before it hits the ground?

The velocity is gravity acceleration x time or (9.8)(1.5) = 14.7 m/s. The velocity is not dependent on the mass.

What happens when rocks fall down a cliff?

It falls and break

If you rolled two rocks of a cliff which one would hit the ground first?

it depends wich two kind of rocks are u rolling???

What is a rock at the top of a cliff that suddenly falls?

A rock that falls suddenly from the top of a cliff is usually referred to as a rockfall or rockslide. This can happen due to factors like erosion, weathering, seismic activity, or human interference, and can pose a danger to anyone below the cliff.

If rock at rest falls off a cliff and hits the valley below after 3.5 seconds what is the rocks velocity as it hits the ground?

The velocity of the rock as it hits the ground can be calculated using the formula: velocity = acceleration due to gravity Γ— time taken. Assuming the acceleration due to gravity is -9.81 m/s^2 (negative sign indicates downward motion), the velocity of the rock as it hits the ground would be approximately -34.335 m/s.

What is a cliff-base heap of rocks?


What type of rock is a cliff made of?

A cliff can be made of various types of rocks, depending on the location and geological history of the area. Common types of rocks found in cliffs include sedimentary rocks like sandstone, limestone, and shale, as well as metamorphic rocks like schist and gneiss, and igneous rocks like granite and basalt.

How is a cliff created?

small rocks put togerther

What is cliff retreat?

A cliff retreat is a form of natural erosion. Rocks in the face of the cliff are broken down by wind and water (rain, waves, etc). The material in the cliff is loosened, and parts of the cliff face collapse. Eventually, an entire section of the cliff will fall into the sea, meaning that the cliff edge has retreated. The pace of cliff retreat is determined by the strength of the rocks in the cliff face, more than the cliff's height. It also most often occurs where the base of the cliff is continually being saturated by water, weakening the rock further.

Which types of rocks are formed above ground?

Extrusive igneous rocks are one type of rocks that can be formed above the ground. Sedimentary rocks can also be formed above the ground.

Where did the cliff dwellers build their homes and what were they made from?

I Know some cliff dwellers were in arizona and new mexico. They used the cliff itself and mostly just rocks. I have been to a cliff dwelling in arizona called Montezuma's Castle. They were pretty basic. They used ladders made of wood to get up the cliff to their homes. They definitely used mud and rocks.

Where does a pronghorn sleep at night?

On a cliff. Between some rocks.