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Q: If a train is going north at 100 kph and wind is blowing west at 10 kph which way does the smoke blow?
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If a steam train is going east which direction is the smoke blowing?

there is no smoke its a steam train

An electric train is going south but the wind is blowing westward Which direction will the smoke from the train be blowing?

u will figure out if it is electric it doesnt have smoke

An electric train is traveling North at 80 mph The wind is blowing east at 50 mph Which way does the smoke blow?

There is no smoke with an electric train.

If your on an electric train going north which way is the smoke going?

Nowhere, there is no smoke. ELECTRIC TRAINS DON'T HAVE SMOKE!

An electric train is traveling north at 75 mph and the wind is blowing in the same direction at the same speed What direction would the smoke be traveling in?

There is no smoke. It's an electric train

An electric train is moving north at 100kph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10kph Which way does the smoke blow?

Electric trains do not produce smoke like traditional diesel trains, so there would be no smoke blowing in any direction.

An electric train is moving north at 100kph and a wind is blowing to the west at 10kph. Which way does the smoke blow?

Electric trains do not emit smoke, so there would be no smoke blowing in any direction.

An electric train was traveling east and the wind was blowing north which way would the smoke go?

In to the crack pipe that made you spell electric wrong;-)

If an electric train is travelling 80 km an hour north and the wind is blowing 40 km east what way is the steam going to travell?

If the wind wasn't blowing and the train was moving it would blow south. If the train was stopped and the wind was blowing east the steam would be blowing east. Because the train is moving and the wind is blowing it would be moving both to the south and the east. diferent answer by another person me... An electric train does not have steam!!!!!!!

An electric train is traveling south at 70 mph the wind is traveling 30 mph to the east. Which direction is the smoke going to travel?

Its an electric train. There is no smoke!

If a steam train is travelling west at 100 kilometers per hour what way is the smoke going?

Steam trains don't have smoke! Derrrrr

What train station would you have to get of at if you were going to the kent country show?

north kumbria