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If the "length" of this triangle is the distance from the base to the vertex of the two other sides, it is 100 units^2. (1/2*10*20) if the 'length' is not the aforementioned distance, you do not have enough information.

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Q: If a triangle has a length of 10 and a width of 20 what is its area?
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Length of triangle is 14.4 inches. Check: 0.5*14.4*10 = 72 square inches

What is the area of a triangle with a width of 12 feet and a length of 10 feet?

60 square feet.

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Area = Length * width A = 12 * 10 A = 120 units 2

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Area = Length * Width = 10*3 = 30 square units.

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A right triangle has a hypotenuse of length 10 and a leg of length 7 has an area of: 24.99 units2

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length x width= area ex if the length of the square was 10 and the width was 5, 10 x 5= 50units^2

What is the length and width of a rectangle that has a perimeter of 20 inches and an area of 24.4524 square inches showing work with final answers?

What do we know about the perimeter of a rectangle? perimeter = 2 × (length + width) → 2 × (length + width) = 20 in → length + width = 10 in → length = 10 in - width What do we know about the area of a rectangle: area = length × width → length × width = 24.4524 in² But from the perimeter we know the length in terms of the width and can substitute it in: → (10 in - width) × width = 24.4524 in² → 10 in × width - width² = 24.4524 in² → width² - 10 in × width + 24.4524 in² = 0 This is a quadratic which can be solved by using the formula: ax² + bx + c → x = (-b ±√(b² - 4ac)) / (2a) → width = (-10 ±√(10² - 4 × 1 × 24.4524)) / (2 × 1) in → width = -5 ± ½√(100 - 97.8096) in → width = -5 ±½√2.1904 in → width = -5 ± 0.74 in → width = 4.26 in or 5.74 in → length = 10 in - 4.26 in = 5.74 in or 10 in - 5.74 in = 4.26 in (respectively) By convention the width is the shorter length (though it doesn't have to be) making the width 4.26 in and the length 5.74 in. Thus the rectangle is 5.74 in by 4.26 in

How do you draw square with area of ten?

width 1, length 10 width 2, length 5

What is the area of a rectangle with a width of of 10cm and length of 12cm?

area = length x width area = 12 x 10 = 120 square cm

What is the area of a rectangle with a base of 10 and a height of 7?

The area of a rectangle is length x width. The area of a triangle is 1/2 base x height. If you mean a rectangle, the area is 70 square units. If you mean a triangle, the area is 35 square units.