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Q: If all the dimensions of a cube are doubled the surface area is four times greater?
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How many times larger is the volume when three dimensions are doubled?

Eight times larger.

What happens to the surface area and volume when all the dimensions of a three-dimensional solid is doubled?

The new area is 22 = 4 times the original area. The new volume is 23 = 8 times the original volume.

What happens to the surface area of a sphere if its radius is doubled?

If the radius of a sphere is doubled, the surface area increases by (2)2 = 4 times, and the volume increases by (2)3 = 8 times.

What is the surface area of a cube if its edges are doubled?

Surface Area becomes 4 times the original when its edges are doubled because Suraface area = (edge)^2

If the radius of a circle is doubled the how does that effect the area?

The area of the circle will be 4 times greater

The volume of a cylinder increased by 8 times the original volume How many times greater are each of the dimensions of that new cylinder?

the dimensions of the cylinder would be 2 times greater. We just had a test on this stuff and this was one of the questions.

What is the new volume of a cylinder if the height and radius are doubled?

If the radius and height of a cylinder are both doubled, then its surface area becomes 4 times what it was originally, and its volume becomes 8 times as much.

When the dimensions of a triangle are tripled is the area of the new triangle 6 times greater than the original triangle?

No. It's 9 times greater. The area changes according to the square ofthe number that you use to multiply all the linear dimensions."3 squared" = 32 = 3 x 3 = 9If you made the dimensions of the triangle 10 times bigger, the areawould become 102 = 100 times greater.

What happens to the surface volume of a cube if the length of each edge is doubled?

the volume increase 8 times

How much does the surface area increase?

It will increase by a factor of 4; in other words, it will be 4 times greater. Given that all sides of a cube are of equal dimension, I will call this variable dimension x. The surface area is, therefore, x2. If the side of the cube is doubled (2x), then the surface area would be (2x)(2x) = (2x)2 = 4x2. So: x --> 2x (the side length is doubled) x2 --> 4x2 (the surface area is quadrupled)

Why does the area of a triangle quadruple when the sides are doubled?

Since the area is (length of base)*(height)/2 {call these dimensions B & H) A1 = B*H/2 With dimensions doubled, A2 = (2*B)*(2*H)/2 = 4*B*H/2 = 4*A1. By not simplifying to 2*B*H, it's easier to see that it is four times the original area. It is 4 times because the two length dimensions are multiplied, and 2 * 2 = 4.