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The density of the air at sea level is 1200 g/cubic meter. At 10 km, the air density is still 800 g/m3. I know this all seems impossibly too dense, but the atmosphere is very much denser than you think. That's why airplanes can fly and meteors and spacecraft can burn up when they hit the atmosphere. And that's why tornados and hurricanes can have such power. And a rain cloud can dump 100 million liters of water on your head. The "average cloud" (air and water) as specified above would be a cubic kilometer in volume, and using the density above would weigh about 1 x 109 kilograms, or one million metric tonnes. The question may only apply to the WATER in the cloud, which would consist of 0.5 g/cubic meter (at a relative humidity of 100%, it would have to be very cold air) and have a transport weight of 0.5 x 109 grams, or 500,000 kg more than dry air. Even this thin cloud has a half-million liters of water, enough to fill 4 large backyard pools.

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Q: If an average cloud has a density of 0.5gm3 and has a volume of 1000000000 m3 what is the weight of an average cloud?
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