If a person has already had their birthday this year (in 2011) then they were born in 1953.
As of January 2012, someone born on July 15, 1960 will be 51 years old.
They would be 15 years old.
-- A person who turns 59 on his birthday in 2012 was born in 1953. -- A person who was already 59 when 2012 began was born in 1952.
On that day, he's zero. He turns 76 on July 15, 2013 .
John Denham is 57 years old (birthdate: July 15, 1953).
Claire McCaskill is 58 years old (birthdate: July 24, 1953).
Rik Emmett is 63 years old (birthdate: July 10, 1953).
56 years & 79 days old.
Ken Burns is 63 years old (birthdate: July 29, 1953).
Lydia Cornell is 63 years old (born July 23, 1953).
it would be your 56th birthday
Marcia Wallace was born on November 1, 1942.
If you turned 56 in 2009 you were born in 1953.
If a person has already had their birthday this year (in 2011) then they were born in 1953.
As of September 2011, someone born in July 1983 would be 28 years old.