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The circumference will be 7*pi feet

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Q: If diameter is 7 feet what is cercumference?
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How do you find the cercumference of a circle?

you multiply the diameter by pi which is approximately 3.14

How many square feet in a 7' diameter circle?

There are about 38.48 square feet in a 7' diameter circle

If the distance of a bicycle wheel is 21.98ft what is the diameter?

If its circumference is 21.98 feet then its diameter is 21.98/pi = 7 feet rounded up.

How many lineal feet is a 7 foot diameter circle?

A circle with a 7 foot diameter has a circumference of 22 feet (approx).

What is the circumference of a 7 feet diameter circle?

The circumference of a 7 feet diameter circle is: about 21.99 feet.You can easily to this calculation for other circles by multiplying the diameter by Pi (about 3.1416). The result is the circle's diameter.

What is the area of a circle with a 7 foot diameter?

The area of a circle with a 7-foot diameter is: 38.48 square feet.

What is the circomference of a circle with a diameter of 7 feet?


What is the circumference of a circle if the diameter is 7 ft?

Circumference of the circle = 7*pi feet

What is the circumference of 7 foot circle?

If 7 feet refers to the diameter, multiply that by pi.

Does the radius of a circle measure 14 feet if the diameter is 7 feet?

No. diameter = 2 x radius ⇒ radius = diameter ÷ 2 If the radius is 14 ft the diameter is 2 x 14 ft = 28 ft If the diameter is 7ft the radius is 7 ft ÷ 2 = 31/2 ft.

How many cubic feet are in a cylinder 7 feet in diameter and 26 feet long?

1,000.6 cubic feet of volume.

How many square feet in a circle that is 7 feet diameter?

Area = pi*r2 where r = radius = diameter/2 = 3.5 feet. So area = 38.5 sq feet, approx.