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Division by zero is not "not defined". Division is the repeated subtraction of one thing from another, counting the number of times you subtract. If you divide 15 by 3 you get 5. You can also subtract 3 from 15 5 times. If you subtract zero from something, that something does not change, so you could say that anything divided by zero is infinity. (End of answer to question asked, but....) By definition, a positive number divided by zero is positive infinity, and a negative number divided by zero is negative infinity. Also, what "is" not defined is zero divided by zero. We call that indeterminate. However, its not quite that simple. For example, 2x / x when x = 0 is indeterminate, but the limit of 2x / x as x approaches zero is very determinant: it is 2

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Q: If division by zero is not defined then why do you consider inverse of zero as infinity in calculus?
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Infinity-1/infinity * * * * * Infinity is not a number and division by infinity is not defined. Apart from which, if it were permitted, 1/infinity would be the smallest fraction! Just as there is no largest number, there is no biggest fraction.

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Firstly we don't know infinity value. If you divide any number by infinity then answer will be zero. Example is divide 100/3 by infinity ( let infinity is equal to 1/0). Then answer is 100/3/1/0 you will get zero.

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Log zero is not defined, and if it were defined, it would be more likely to be minus infinity than infinity.

What is zero divided by infinity?

Zero divided by any number, rational or irrational, would still be zero.---However, division by infinity (or negative infinity) is not a defined operation. Although we can state that for any number a,a/ ∞ = 0 and a/- ∞ = 0this is not an actual value of zero, but a limiting value for a number that approaches ∞ . You can see that the reverse multiplication operation,∞ x 0 = ais only true in the single case where a = 0.

What is difference between 'infinity' and 'undefined'?

In mathematics infinity is a defined numeric quantity greater in magnitude than any finite numeric quantity, whereas undefined refers simply to something lacking a definition (e.g. the result of division by zero is undefined, not infinity). If you study set theory, you will find there are many different infinities some greater in magnitude than others. Infinity though defined is not a simple concept.

Is infinity divided by infinity 1?

Infinity is not a defined number. It describes, in math, the endlessness of numbers.

Is infinity zero?

Infinity cannot, by definition, be a defined number such as zero.

Why Ten90' is infinity?

First, I assume the question refers to tan(90 degrees) not Ten90' because (apart from the incorrect spelling of tan) 90' represents 90 minutes or 90/60 degrees = 1.5 degrees. The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of sine to cosine of the angle. When that angle is 90 degrees, the cosine is zero and so calculation of tan involves division by 0. And, in mathematics division by 0 is not infinity - it is not defined. So, tan(90) is NOT infinity. It is not defined. tan90 has a positive asymptote when you approach 90 degrees from below but has a negative asymptote when you approach from above.

What is the value of zero times infinity?

Zero times infinity is defined as "indeterminate".

What is the square root of infinity?

Since infinity is not a defined number, it is impossible to have a square root of it. its infinity!

Is infinity defined?

No, infinity is not defined. It's a only imaginary number . Let suppose , 1000 os infinity we don't know. In future we know 1000 then 1001 will become infinity. I think you got your answer.

Can infinity be defined?

Certainly, infinity can be defined. It can't be perfectlydefined, but then, as Wittgenstein demonstrated some time ago, there are really no perfect definitions of anything. All language is approximate, even in mathematics (which is more precisely defined than most subjects). Infinity is defined as an endless quantity, greater than any number that can be counted.