Log zero is not defined, and if it were defined, it would be more likely to be minus infinity than infinity.
Value of log 0 is negative infinity (undefined). Because no power can give an answer of zero. it is in fact undefined but written as negative infinity for symbolizing. Otherwise undefined and infinity are two different things.
Zero times infinity is defined as "indeterminate".
Because zero multiplied by any number is always zero, but anything multiplied by infinity is infinity. Zero times infinity is being pulled both ways. Also, the definition of infinity is any number x divided by 0. When you multiply zero by infinity, the zeroes "cancel out", leaving absolutely nothing behind.
No. Zero multiplied or divided by anything is zero.
Infinity into zero = Log 2 = 0.692 by L'hospital Rule
Value of log 0 is negative infinity (undefined). Because no power can give an answer of zero. it is in fact undefined but written as negative infinity for symbolizing. Otherwise undefined and infinity are two different things.
Because the log of zero is "negative infinity", and the calculator display is too narrow to display that number.
The log of infinity, to any base, is infinity.
The log(infinity) does not exist. It is impossible to evaluate because infinity is not a number. When evaluating limits infinity is a special case of a nonexistent limit. The limit of the log(x) as x approaches infinity is infinity because log(x) increases without bound when x gets extremely large.
Infinity cannot, by definition, be a defined number such as zero.
Zero to Infinity was created in 1999-09.
Zero times infinity is defined as "indeterminate".
infinity? Infinity over zero is undefined, or complex infinity depending on numbers you are including in your number system.
minus infinity
Because zero multiplied by any number is always zero, but anything multiplied by infinity is infinity. Zero times infinity is being pulled both ways. Also, the definition of infinity is any number x divided by 0. When you multiply zero by infinity, the zeroes "cancel out", leaving absolutely nothing behind.
the value of log0 is -infinity which is minus of infinity