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If an Equip Spell Card is sent back to the Deck, it is no longer equipped to a monster, and therefore, the monster does not gain the benefits. If a monster equipped with an Equip Spell Card is sent back to the Deck, the Equip Spell Card is destroyed.

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Q: If equiped card is sent to the deck does it still take effect?
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Can Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon be played from your deck?

No, no card's effect can be activated while it is in deck.

Can you use powertool dragons effect when you dont have more then 3 equip card in your deck example i only have 2 equip cards in my deck can i use powertool dragons effect to get a equip card?

No, because the effect requires you to search for three, not 'up to three'. If you do not have at least three in deck, then you can't activate the effect.

In Yu-Gi-Oh is destroy and negate the same thing?

No. Destroying is way of sending cards to the Graveyard. While Negating is the act of nullifying the effect of another card and rendering it useless. Unless stated otherwise (such as"...negate the effect and destroy it."), all non-Continuous cards are sent (not destroyed) to the Graveyard after being "negated". Continuous Spell and Trap Cards remain on the field as usless obstructions to the players Spell & Trap Card Zone. Their effects do not apply.If a normal spell card like swords of reveling light has it's effect negated it remains on the field and still counts the opponent's turn, and it is still send to graveyard during the opponent's 3 turn, if a normal spell like different dimension capsule is negated after activation before it resolve, since the card never get's banish from the deck, the different dimension capsule is destroy by it's own condition. If different dimension capsule was negated after the card is banish face-down from the deck, if it is still negated during the second stanby phase you do not get the face-down banish card and different dimension capsule is not destroy, nor send to the graveyard, if the face-down banish card leaves the banish zone, by other means like with necroface effect, even if different dimmention capsule his still negated it would be destroyed by its own condition if the face-down banish card leaves the banish zone, form the effect of necroface. If you negated the effect of premature burial at activation before it resolve, the monster never got special summoned so premature burial as nothing to equiped to so it is sent to the graveyard, if you negated the effect of premature burial while it is already equiped to the special summoned monster card, if you use MSt and destroyed premature burial, while it is negated by imperial order, or emperor's holiday, the monster would not be destroyed because the effect of premature burial is negated by imperial order, or emperor's holiday. If Mst destroyed on it's own premature burial that was already equiped to the special sumoned monster, the effect of premature burial would apply and destroyed the special summoned monster card equiped to premature burial.

What effect of Snoww Unlight of the Dark World is activated if your card effect discards it in Yu-Gi-Oh?

To break Snoww's effect down (it only has one triggered effect, but one that can resolve differently)If your card effect discarded it, add one Dark World monster card from your deck to your hand.If your opponent's card effect discarded it, then you target a monster in the opponent's graveyard. On resolution, add a Dark World monster card from deck to hand as above, and also special summon the target monster.

Can you special summon spirit of the six samarii from your deck using its effect?

No you cant special summon spirit if it was equiped to one of your six sam's if you had enough busido counters then you can add him to your hand but not special summon it

How do you special summon a monster form your deck by removing cards from play?

Follow the instructions on the card effect of a spell, trap, or monster card and then remove the monsters from play and look through your deck for the monster that you need.

Can a Synchro Monster be returned to your hand?

No. If a card effect would cause a Synchro Monster to be returned to the Deck or the hand, it is placed back in the Extra Deck instead.

If you cannot pick up a card do you lose?

If you have no more cards in your Deck when you are required to Draw, either during your Draw Phase, or by a card effect, you lose the Duel and the victory is conceded to your opponent.It is important to note, however, that "Drawing a card" and "picking up a card" are different. If you are required to pick up a card from your Deck from an effect such as Cyber Jar, and you cannot comply, you do not lose the Duel. The Duel continues as normal, and in the case of Cyber Jar, you are not allowed to participate in its effect.

What is card sixteen in a tarot deck?

Card sixteen in a tarot deck is The Tower card.

What is dark sage effect?

When Dark Sage is summoned, choose any Spell Card from deck, and add it to hand.

In the Yugioh trading card game if you play a card that lets you get a card from your deck do you shuffle your deck?

Yes. All effects that search for a card from the deck, or return a card to deck in any position apart from the top, will be followed by a shuffle.

What is on card 5 in a tarot deck?

Card 5 shows the Hierophant in a tarot deck Card 5 shows the Hierophant in a tarot deck