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Six nails per shoe, four shoes per horse, time five horses.

6 x 4 = 24, 24 x 5 = 120

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Q: If horse shoes get six nails each how many nails are needed to shoe five horses?
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How many horse shoes are needed to put on 25 horses?


What are people called at horse riding?

A farrier is a person who specializes in putting horseshoes on horses, mules, donkeys and oxen.A blacksmith is experienced in all forms of iron working. In earlier days, he provided all the nails, hinges, plows, tools and other hardware that was needed in his village, and repaired them when needed. He would also shoe horses with horse shoes that he made himself.Nowadays, farriers are often referred to as blacksmiths.

How are the shoes connected to the horses's foot?

By nails.

What do horses wear on the bottom of their hoofs?

Horses wear horse shoes on the bottom of their hoofs.

What does a farrier use a hammer for?

To put nails in the horses shoes.

What did a colonial farrier do?

Farriers are workers who specialize in shoeing horses.

Do horses grow out of their horse shoes?

Yes, horses do grow out of their shoes. Their shoes can also become worn and need replacing because of that.

What is the name of the person who shoes a horse?

Farrier. The person who shoes horses is a farrier.

Do horses use aluminum shoes for racing?

Aluminum horse shoes are mostly used for Thoroughbred Horse racing.

Do mustangs and domestic horses both wear horse shoes?

By mustangs I assume you mean wild horses. No, only domesticated horses SOMETIMES wear horse shoes; it is not a requirement that they wear shoes. Two of my horses do not wear shoes and the other one only wears them on his front feet for orthopedic reasons.

How old does a horse have to be to get horse shoes?

Some horses where shoes at the age of 1 year to correct themselves, but generally a horse will be shoed for the first time between the ages of 3 and 4. Most horses never get shoed. Shoes are put on horses if they are to do certain types of jobs or they have a foot defect. A healthy trail horse may never see shoes.

Can you reuse horse shoes?

Yes. As was said, not all horses need to be shoed. If they do, they need to have shoes removed periodically. You should have a ferrier see your horse every 2 months or so to do this. Horses hooves grow continuously, and they need to be trimmed, and to do that, its shoes must be removed.