Six nails per shoe, four shoes per horse, time five horses. 6 x 4 = 24, 24 x 5 = 120
A horse has 4 legs and 1 head. That is that 1 horse represents 5 of 25 legs and heads.So we can say that there are 5 horses (25÷5).
I found 170 instances where horse or horses was found in the Bible. Some chapters to look at are Genesis, 1 and 2 Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Revelation.
In horsemanship, a hand is a measure of the horses height at the withers, and it is equal to 4 inches. A horse will be said to be "xx hands high".
Bible Gateway lists 188 verses with the term "horse" in the King James Version of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Six nails per shoe, four shoes per horse, time five horses. 6 x 4 = 24, 24 x 5 = 120
it depends on how many horses you have
Horses can limp for many reasons. Some horses require shoes and others do not. Horses doing work harder on their feet, like jumpers, may require shoes while others may not. If a horse is limping, it is not necessarily because they need shoes and do not have them. This is not to say that foot injuries or soreness cannot come from not being shod, it's just not always the cause.
This really depends on the horse, If you have a horse with soft hooves, you many want to go with shoes. If you have a horse with harder hooves, then talk to your farrier and see what he/she thinks you should use. Also, take into consideration what you will be doing with the horse, if you are going to be doing lots of jumping you may want to use shoes.
It depends on the size of the trailer (and how many horses it hauls).
Roughly 30-40 acres
Not ALL horses wear shoes. There are many horses that don't wear shoes nor need to wear shoes. Shoes should only be worn if they are being used for draught or riding purpose which takes them in areas which may crack or damage their shoeless hooves. If they are ridden in parts that are grassy or not going to cause detrimental damage to their bare hooves, or are just being raised as lawn ornaments, then there is no need for horse shoes. For those that do wear shoes, they wear special iron shoes that are shaped like a "U" to fit the horses hoof. The farrier heats up the shoe in a special oven then nails it to the horse hoof. This does not hurt the horse.
Horses don't necessarily need to be shod. If the horse has a strong hoof and doesn't wear it down faster than it can grow out then the horse would most likely be best without shoes. A barefoot horse still needs it's hooves trimmed every 4 to 8 weeks though. If however the horse needs shoes for traction or therapeutic reasons then try to go with the lightest most comfortable shoe you can find. Many people only shoe the front feet. If however you don't compete, but worry about your barefoot horse getting sore you can buy hoof boots, which are like sneakers or hiking boots for horses to use when you ride out.
With any horse expected to be handled throughout it's life, it needs to be started on a farrier schedule shortly after being weened and halter broke. Horses don't require shoes until it is being ridden regularly on rough surfaces for extended periods of time. Normally this should be 3 to 6 months after the breaking procedure has begun.
Horses wear shoes to protect their hooves from excessive wear and tear, provide traction on slick surfaces, and support correct hoof alignment. Shoes may also be used to prevent injury or aid in the treatment of hoof-related issues.
Not in America. It is possible that horses that are humanly euthinized may have their remains donated or sold but there are too many 'non-lethal' ways to obtain horse hair. Including cutting live horse's manes and tails.
5, because they only had 4 people and they needed 1 horse to carry the food and tent