It takes 16 fish years to equal one human year. The life expectancy of most fish tends to be very short.
75.6 equals the life expectancy of a male in the US. This is outdated information. The current life expectancy for males is approximately to 77 years.
Men live on average seven years less than women; life expectancy in the United States is 72 years for men and 79 years for women.
Life expectancy in Jordan is 73.5, 72.2 for males and 74.9 for females.
when a life expectancy get's to a point the people of the country needs to get enough food, water, and supplies for their family or village.
seventy-five years!
The life expectancy for someone born in 1953 would be around 68-70 years, based on the average life expectancy at that time. However, it's important to note that individual life expectancy can vary based on factors like health, lifestyle, and genetics.
Worldwide, the average life expectancy is about 67.2 years (65.0 years for males and 69.5 years for females), according to various UN sources. Life expectancy in the developed countries is about 80 years (females outliving males by about 4 years), which represent about 20% of the total world population.
I am a TOTAL layman, but after having done extensive research here on line to answer this question about my 77 year old dad, what I've been able to discover is that there IS NO ANSWER... that the life expectancy for a patient with end stage congestive heart failure is completely unique to that particular individual. Their age, level of strength, degree of heart damage and a mulititude of other factors all play a part in the eventuality. The closest that I could find to narrowing this down is that on the high side of the factors, a person might expect as much as five years. On the lowest possible scale of factors, several weeks to months.
It would be about 657,000 hours!
In Germany, the life expectancy of males is 78.3 years. For females it is 83 years. Germany ranks 23 in the world for high life expectancy.
The life expectancy of Austria is 80 years old. The life expectancy for males in Austria is 77.7 years and 83.2 years for females.
The average life expectancy in India is 67 years old. The life expectancy in Switzerland is 85 years old. The life expectancy in the United States is 80 years old.
The life expectancy in the 1700s was about 47 years old The life expectancy in the 1700s was about 47 years old
The total life expectancy in the U.S. is 78.14 years at birth, about 5 years less than Canada's life expectancy, 83.81 years.
The life expectancy for a male is about 75 years. The life expectancy for a female is about 83 years old.
Life expectancy at birth for male: 66,81 years Life expectancy at birth for female: 74,41 years Data for 2008.