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Q: If i have a face and tow hands but i have no arms or legs 6 plus 7 is 1?
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How many legs did a ptedcrodactyl walk on?

if you men pterodactil, they had two main legs plus 2 hands with two fingers to help with climbing

Do dogs have arms?

No, dogs do not have arms. They have front legs and rear legs, which are commonly referred to as forelimbs and hind limbs. The term "arms" is typically used to describe limbs with hands and fingers, which dogs do not possess.

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the what?

The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the limbs (arms and legs), the shoulder girdle, and the pelvic girdle. It provides support and facilitates movement of the body.

How do you make a LEGO Superman?

first you get wavy Lego robin from batman hair,then for the head you get Bruce Wayne head,next you get a red cape from squidman chase,when your done with that get a blue body blue arms and flesh hands finally get a red hips and blue legs plus to make it better make the S sign and super glue it on there. your welcome == <>

What is a Pomeranian's favorite toy?

pickled onions * My dog likes things that are soft and stuffed with a squeaker. Anything with arms, legs, wings, or floppy ear is a plus! For chewing she gets bully sticks, hooves, and Texas toothpicks.

What is RSL plus list 3 symptoms?

Uncontrollable movements of legs, feelings of electricity thru legs, jumping and or kicking legs

Who has 8 legs?

There are no species of monkey with eight legs. If you got four monkeys together, they would have a total of 8 legs. And 8 arms. That's 16 limbs. Plus tails - 20 appendages. Sometimes monkeys run on their hands and legs, in which case you could vaguely classify their arms as legs. In which case you would only need 2 monkeys in the same room to have 8 monkey legs, but they would have to be running. Taking into account the possibility of amputee monkeys, there is a whole different amount of monkeys you could have to make eight legs. Suppose eight amputee monkeys were together - each with only one leg. Maybe seven monkey - 6 amputees and one with his 2 legs in tact. Otherwise you might be thinking of a spider. An arachnid. Eight legged creature. Or an octopus. Water dwelling. Sometimes giant, but not to be confused with a squid, who has 6 legs. And a beak.

Do beavers have two legs?

They have two legs plus two. Beavers are four-legged mammals.

Why is sports day meaningful?

its meaningful because when you need to workout and get some abs your gonna wanna exercise and plus what you wuz fat and you couldnt move your arm just your legs and you wanted to lose all the fat in your arms you would want to excercise

Diamond Arms single gauge serial number 49885 what gauge is it and when was it made plus value if in fair condition?

Diamond Arms single gauge serial number 49885 what gauge is it and when was it made plus value if in fair condition?" Diamond Arms single gauge serial number 49885 what gauge is it and when was it made plus value if in fair condition?" "Diamond Arms single gauge serial number 49885 what gauge is it and when was it made plus value if in fair condition?"

How do you lose flab on your arms even though you do 200 plus pushups every night?

Push ups are using a different part of the muscle in your arm for most of the work. A really good way to work the back or your arms is to hold a weight in your hands. Bring your arms with the weight up above your head. Then bend your elbows, keeping the rest of your arm strainght. The weight should be going behind your head towards your back. Then bring your arms back up. The weight should always be behind your head. Just repeat again and again. You will see results. Or you can sit on the ground and put your hands behind you on a couch or other elevated object. Fingers towards your back. Then do dips, like push ups only you're sitting on the ground and raising your butt up and down. Don't touch your butt back to the ground between each movement. Your legs should be straight.

What are takara Barbie dolls?

Takara is a toy-making company in Japan. It had the license from Mattel to make Barbie dolls in the 1980s. Takara Barbies are very different from their American counterparts--they are shorter with paler skin, plus their arms and legs don't really bend.