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greater than zero!

Sure, it is correct, but not clear the reason

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Q: If income in zero consumption in the short term will normally be?
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Government taxation for consumption spending and importing goods for short-term consumption weakens the economic growth. An increase in imports results in a lower GDP and, consequently, economic loss as money is spent and funneled out of the country.

What are the short term effects of moderate alcohol consumption?

Because it wears off after a while.

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This statement would be true. Short-term financing is risky because there may not always be income to pay off the short term debt.

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If you are in the state of Texas, most disability, both short term and long term disability will cover 60% of your income tax free.

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Yuppie or Yuppy is short for young urban professional. A person under 35 with a university education and high income who indulges in conspicuous consumption and lives in or close to the city center. The term has gone out of fashion now but in the 80s it was a common term.

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Interest receivable is normally a current asset as interest are normally collected within one fiscal year.

What are some tax tips for reporting capital gains and repurchase of assets?

Long-term investments in collectibles are taxed at a flat 28%.Short-term investments in collectibles are taxed as short-term capital gains at your ordinary income tax rates..The short-term holding period is one year or less.. Short-term capital gains are taxed at-ordinary income tax rates,which range 10% to 39.6% for the year of 2016....

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The Hanshin earthquake brings on the same short-term and long-term effects as most other natural disasters. The areas affected will see a strong influx of income as the area rebuilds, and in the long run, this income will provide a more reliable, productive economy.

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The short term capital gain on a stock held for less than one year is the rate you pay on ordinary income.