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You need to know the standard deviation or standard error to answer the question.

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Q: If normal distribution is between 110 and 190 how can I find the probability that it will be between 135 and 165?
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Why does a researcher want to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution?

A researcher wants to go from a normal distribution to a standard normal distribution because the latter allows him/her to make the correspondence between the area and the probability. Though events in the real world rarely follow a standard normal distribution, z-scores are convenient calculations of area that can be used with any/all normal distributions. Meaning: once a researcher has translated raw data into a standard normal distribution (z-score), he/she can then find its associated probability.

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How do you find the area of a normal distribution?

The area under a normal distribution is one since, by definition, the sum of any series of probabilities is one and, therefore, the integral (or area under the curve) of any probability distribution from negative infinity to infinity is one. However, if you take an interval of a normal distribution, its area can be anywhere between 0 and 1.

How do you find z score in first quartile?

Provided the distribution is Normal, the z-score is the value such that the probability of observing a smaller value is 0.25. Thus z = -0.67449

How do you find the z multiplier?

In the field of analytical measurement, the z-multiplier is a measure of error. It indicates a statistical probability of error. It is calculated using standard formulas for normal distribution.

How do you obtain a probability distribution?

Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.Find all the possible outcomes and the probabilities associated with each. That information comprises the probability distribution.

How do find the probability of distribution Let Y equals X1 - X2 plus 2x3 Find Pr Y1.5?

This question can only be answered if the probability distribution functions of X1, X2 and X3 are known. They are not and so the question cannot be answered.

Should you use the Binomial Normal or Poisson distribution if in the past few years an average of 10 businesses closed and I want to find the probability of more than 10 businesses closing next year?

If this is the only information that you have then you must use the Poisson distribution.

In a perfectly symmetrical bell-shaped normal distribution?

Normal distribution is a perfectly symmetrical bell-shaped normal distribution. The bell curve is used to find the median, mean and mode of a function.

We have a population with mean of 100 and standard deviation of 28 take repeated samples of size 49 and calculate the mean of each sample to form a sampling distribution Is it a Normal Distribution?

a) T or F The sampling distribution will be normal. Explain your answer. b) Find the mean and standard deviation of the sampling distribution. c) We pick one of our samples from the sampling distribution what is the probability that this sample has a mean that is greater than 109 ? Is this a usual or unusual event? these are the rest of the question.

Standard normal distribution formula?

There is the normal probability density function (pdf) which is given in the attached link. The normal probability cumulative distribution function (cdf) is used to calculate probabilities, and there is no closed form equation for this. Many statistical programs have the cdf built in. Some references are given at the end of the link to find approximate cdf. The cdf, is usually written F(x) and the pdf f(x). F(x) is the integral of f(x) from minus infinity to x.