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the answer is 150 miles. its also my first Tim putting my hw answer on here.

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Q: If on a map half inch equals 100 miles and the state of Wisconsin is about 1 and a half inches long how many miles long is Wisconsin?
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If on map half inch equals 100 miles and the state of Wisconsin is about 1 and half inches long how many miles long is Wisconsin?

It is 300 miles.

If on a map 0.5 inches equals 100 miles and the state of Wisconsin is about 1.5 inches long how many miles long is Wisconsin?

Since, 0.5 goes into 1.5 three times, all we have to do is multiply 100 by 3, which equals 300 miles.

On a map one half inch equals 100 miles the state of Wisconsin is one and one half inches long how many miles would this be?

If 1/2 inch equals 100 miles, then 1 inch would be 200 miles. Therefore, 1.5 inches would equal 300 miles (1.5 inches * 200 miles/inch = 300 miles). So, the state of Wisconsin would be 300 miles long on this map scale.

On a map 12 inch equals 100 miles the state of Wisconsin in 1 12 inches long How many would that be?

If 12 inches equals 100 miles on the map, then 1 inch would represent approximately 8.33 miles (100 miles divided by 12). Wisconsin in 1 inch on the map would be around 8.33 miles long.

On a map 12 inch equals 100 milesThe state of Wisconsin is 112 inches longHow many miles would this be?

100/12*112 = 933

If on a map 12 inch equals 100 miles and the state of Wisconsin is about 1 12 inches long how many miles long is Wisconsin?

Isn't it just 112 divided by 12, and the answer times by 100miles?

How many miles long is Wisconsin?

The state of Wisconsin is 54,314 square miles of land area. The state is 310 miles long and 260 miles wide.

If on a map 1 2 inch equals 100 miles and the state of Wisconsin is about 1 1 2 inches long how many miles long is Wisconsin?

12 inches = 100 miles so 6 inches= 50 miles. If the map is 112 inches long, then you would divide 112 by 6, which is 18 & 2/3 . You would then multiply 18 & 2/3 by 50, which comes out to be 933 & 1/3 miles. This means that Wisconsin is about 933 miles long. I only changed the proportion of 12 to 100 to 6 to 50 to work with easier numbers. In reality, you could have done the problem shorter by just dividing 112 by 12 and multiplying that number by 100. You still would have gotten 933 & 1/3 miles.

What is the total area in square miles of Wisconsin?

Wisconsin has a total area of approximately 65,500 square miles.

How many driving miles is Wisconsin from Texas?

It depends on your exact route, but the approximate driving distance by road from the Wisconsin state line to the Texas state line is 885 miles.

What does Wisconsin rank in size?

their ranking by size is 12th place

How far can you park from a fire hydrant in Wisconsin?

Considering that Wisconsin is 320 miles at its maximum, that would be the furthest you could park away from a fire hydrant in Wisconsin and still be in the state.