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After six hours, and assuming they all survive dividing, you would have 232144

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Q: If one bacterium divides once every 20 minutes how many would there be after six hours?
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If a certain bacterium divides every 30 min when will there be more than 1000 bacteria?

After 4 hours, as the bacterium doubles every 30 minutes, resulting in 8 divisions within this time frame. Starting with 1 bacterium, this will lead to 28 = 256 bacteria after 4 hours.

How does a certain bacterium divide every 30 min to get 1000 bacteria?

The bacterium undergoes binary fission, where it duplicates its genetic material and divides into two daughter cells. This process repeats every 30 minutes, resulting in exponential growth. After 10 cycles (5 hours), one bacterium will have produced 1000 bacteria.

If one bacterium divides once every 20 minutes how many would there be after 1 hours?

8 After 20 mins. 1 bacterium splits into 2, and after 40 mins those two split, making 4, and then those 4 split on the hour, doubling their numbers, giving 8 :D hope this helped

If a bacterium divides every 30 minutes producing two bacteria how many bacteria would a single colony contain after 24 hours if it began as a single bacterium?

After 24 hours, the single bacterium would have undergone 48 divisions (24 hours x 60 minutes/hour รท 30 minutes/division). Therefore, the single colony would contain 2^48 bacteria, which is 281,474,976,710,656 bacteria.

If your bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes how many bacteria would you have at the end of twenty four hours assuming that you begin with one bacterium?

64x10^18 power or 64,000,000,000,000,000,000. 64 exa bacterium)

Can bacteria reproduce every two hours?

Yes, under ideal conditions, some bacteria can reproduce every 20 minutes to two hours. This rapid rate of reproduction is called binary fission, where a single bacterial cell divides into two cells.

How many hours does it take for one germ to multiply in to millions?

Under ideal conditions, bacteria can multiply every 20 minutes. So, starting from one bacterium, it would take about 8 hours for it to multiply into millions.

How many bacteria do you have from a single bacterium after 24 hours if it reproduces every hour?

You will have 16,777,216 bacteria after 24 hours if it reproduces once.

If a bacterium could divide into two every 20 minutes how many bacteria would be produced after 8 hours?

20 minutes = 1/3rd of an hour8 hours = (8 x 3) = 24 thirds of an hour = 24 divisions.If all survive and reproduce, the population after 24 divisions = 224 = 16,777,216 bugs.

What is greater 240 minutes or three hours?

240 minutes is greater - it is 4 hours. Every hour has 60 minutes

How many minutes equal 4 hours and why?

60 minutes is in every hour so if there is 4 hours, then 60x4=240 minutes

888 minutes is how many hours and minutes?

888 minutes = 888/60 hours = 14.8 hours = 14 hours 48 minutes (every 0.1 of an hour is six minutes and 0.8 hour = 6 x 8 minutes = 48 minutes)