2 apples
you have one apple
18/10 = 1.8 apples per minute.
Yes it can: I have one apple, you have two apples.
every plant grows from one seed
one apple
2 apples
One apple, 3 apples take away 2 apples is one apple
250 apples
They each have one apple. Together, they have 2 apples.
hey nikki its aria! (swaggy is watching you)
you have one apple
Three apples minus two apples leaves one apple. 3-2=1
In one medium apple there are 95 calories. In 5 apples there are 475 calories.
You have one apple- the one you took away.
One apple remains, but you might be thinking of a similar version of that question: "If you take two apples from three apples, how many apples to do you have?" The answer to that question is two.