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Q: If somebody got 80 percent and got 7 right how many question was on the test?
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60 question test, how many can u miss to get 70 percent right?


How many questions do you need to get right to make 75 percent on a 150 question test?

You cannot because it requires you to get half a question right. You would have to get a 113 right to get 75.33... %

There are 50 question and you get 90 percent right how many questions were answered correctly?

45 were correctly answered

How many question do i need to get right to pass a test if they're 35 question an i need an 80 percent?

35 x 80% = 28

To get a 70 percent on your test there are 60 question but is is only worth 50 points how many do you need to get right?

70 percent of 60 is 42. The points don't enter into it.

How many question do you have to get right to get a 28 percent out of 52 questions?

52*28% = 14.56, so a minimum of 15 questions.

How many questions be wrong on a 40 question test to get a 75 percent?

10 can be wrong and 30 right; 30/40 = 75%

How many hundreds equals 60 tens?

i am confused. somebody pls answer this question

Test has 26 questions how many right answers do i need to get a 70 percent?

If all question have a equal value. each question has a value of about 3.84 to 3.85% You need to get 18 right and miss 8 You will find if you look at the marking scale each question is marked on more than just the right answer.

How many questions can you miss on a 26 question test and get 70 percent?

If all question have a equal value. each question has a value of about 3.84 to 3.85% You need to get 18 right and miss 8 You will find if you look at the marking scale each question is marked on more than just the right answer.

How many questions can you miss to get 71 percent on a 42 question test with each question being one point each?

you can miss 12 questions 30 right = 30/42 = 71%

How many question you can miss to get 75 percent on a 42 question test?

75% of 42 = .75 x 42 = 32 questions right; you can miss 42-32 = 10 questions to get a 75