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There are only 3 ways to accelerate: speeding up, slowing down, and changing direction. since 0mph allows you to do none of those three things, it can't be accelerating.

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Q: If speed is zero then is acceleration zero?
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Is your speed is constant if you are traveling in a straight line with an acceleration of zero?

If your acceleration is zero, then yes, you are traveling at a constant speed. The path does not matter. Acceleration measures the change in velocity, so an acceleration of zero means that there is zero change in velocity and therefore the speed is constant.

When velocity is zero and acceleration is less than zero does the speed increase?

No, if velocity is zero and acceleration is less than zero, it means that the object is slowing down. Speed is the magnitude of velocity, so if acceleration is negative, the speed decreases.

Why is the velocity 0 when your speed is constant?

It's not. If you speed is constant (but not zero), then your velocity won't be zero, either.You may be confusing this with the following: If your VELOCITY (not your speed) is constant, then your ACCELERATION is zero. Acceleration refers to how quickly velocity changes, so if velocity doesn't change at all, acceleration is zero.

Is it possible for your speed to be zero when your acceleration is not zero?

Yes, it is possible for your speed to be zero even when your acceleration is not zero. This can occur at the peak of a projectile's trajectory, for example, where the acceleration due to gravity is acting downwards yet the object momentarily stops before changing direction.

What is positive negative and zero acceleration is?

positive acceleration is when things speed up; negative acceleration is when things slow down; and zero acceleration is when things do not speed up or slow down, this is called constant speed, or no change in velocity.

What is the acceleration of an object that travels in a straight line at a constant speed?

The acceleration of an object moving in a straight line at a constant speed is zero. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the speed is constant, there is no change in velocity and thus no acceleration.

Can an object be moving if acceleration is zero?

Yes, an object can be moving if its acceleration is zero. If the object is moving at a constant velocity, the acceleration will be zero even though the object is in motion.

Can your speed be 0 while your acceleration non zero?

Yes, it is possible for the speed to be 0 while the acceleration is non-zero. This occurs when the object is momentarily at rest (speed is zero) while still experiencing acceleration due to a change in its velocity.

Is it possible that there is a non-zero acceleration but with a speed of value zero?

Yes, it is possible to have a non-zero acceleration while also having a speed of zero. This occurs when an object is changing direction but not its speed. For example, a car at a standstill that starts to accelerate in reverse has a non-zero acceleration but a speed of zero.

Can an object have a speed of zero and the acceleration not be zero?

Yes, an object can have a speed of zero and still have a non-zero acceleration if the object is changing direction. In this case, the velocity is zero because the object is not moving, but the acceleration is present due to the change in direction of the object's motion.

Can it be possible that a particle have constant speed must have zero acceleration?

Yes, it is possible for a particle to have constant speed and zero acceleration. If the particle is moving at a constant speed, it means that its velocity is not changing. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the velocity is constant, the acceleration must be zero.

For a car moving around a circular track at a constant speed the acceleration is?

constant speed=0 acceleration Acceleration is the change in speed. If the speed doesn't change(ie constant) the acceleration is zero.