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Its speed is 55 mph, and if the highway doesn't curve, then its acceleration is zero.

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Q: A car travels a highway 55 miles per hour what is its speed and acceleration?
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A car tarvels a highway at 55 miles per hour Its speed is while its acceleration is?

If its speed is constant, its acceleration is nil.

A car travels a highway at 55 miles per hour its speed is?

55 miles per hour.

If A car travels down the highway at 55 mph its speed is what and its acceleration is what?

Acceleration is zero since 55 mph is velocity and it is constant. Acceleration is defined as the rate of change in velocity. The speed is the absolute value of velocity so it is also 55.

What happens to an objects speed if it travels with constant acceleration?

If an object travels with constant acceleration, its speed will change at a constant rate over time. The object's speed will increase if the acceleration is positive, decrease if it is negative, and remain constant if the acceleration is zero.

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Zero acceleration if it is traveling in a straight line. An object that is accelerating must either be changing its rate of speed or its direction.

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If a car travels in a straight line with a constant speed, then the car has a constant velocity (determined by direction and speed), and the acceleration is 0.

What is the acceleration of car that travels in a straight line at constant speed?

Straight line at a constant speed = no acceleration

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In circular motion, the centripetal acceleration points towards the center of the circle and is responsible for maintaining the object's direction. This acceleration does not change the object's speed, but instead changes its direction, keeping it in circular motion.

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The acceleration of an object that travels in a constant straight line velocity is zero.

What happens to an objects speed if it travels with zero acceleration?

If an object travels with zero acceleration, its speed remains constant. This means that the object maintains the same speed throughout its motion and does not change its velocity.

What is the acceleration of an object that travels in a straight line at a constant speed?

The acceleration of an object moving in a straight line at a constant speed is zero. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the speed is constant, there is no change in velocity and thus no acceleration.

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The average speed if an airplane travels 1364 miles in 5.5 hours is 248 miles/hr.