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Q: If the data below were represented with a stem-and-leaf plot a stem of 3 would have how many leaves?
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The diagram that represents the statement "If it is a tree then it has leaves" would have a tree as the superclass with leaves as a subclass branching off from it. This indicates that all trees have leaves.

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Largest 8 bit unsigned number is 11111111 binary which is the number 255 in decimal. In hexadecimal 255 is represented as FF In octal 255 is represented as 377. The related link below will help.

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There is no way to answer because you have not given any examples where a force would be represented.

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They are called Wiccans, and tea reading is for anyone. It would be a very long answer to put here but there is a complete guide on how to do it on the link below.

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If the number is represented by variable x, then twice the number is represented by 2x.

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Five hundred is represented by D and one hundred is represented by the letter C. DCCCXCVI would be the correct notation.

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Five hundred is represented by D and one hundred is represented by the letter C. DCCCXCVIII would be the correct notation.

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It would be represented as 3333333/1.