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You need 8 cm to measure 8 cm.

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Q: If the diameter is 8cm how much cm do i need?
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If the diameter is 8cm how much square cm do i need?

If you need to know area of a circle then it is: pi*4^2 = 16*pi square cm or about 50 square cm

What is the length of the diameter 8cm?

It should be 8 cm.

What is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 8cm?

C = ~25.133 cm

What is the volume of a sphere with the diameter of 8 cm?

The volume of a sphere with a diameter of 8cm is about 268cm3

Diameter of a ball that is 8cm deep and 24cm wide?

The width of a ball is its diameter, so the diameter of a ball that is 24 cm wide is 24 cm.

If the radius of a circle is 4 cm what's the diameter?

8cm. The radius is always half the diameter.

What is the diameter if the circumference is 8 cm?

C = 2(pi)r 8cm=2(pi)r (8cm)/2pi = r d=2r d=8cm/pi

What is the perimeter of a 8cm semicircle?

8*pi + 16 = 41.13 cm (approx)It depends on whether 8 cm is the radius or diameter of the semicircle.

Radius equals 4cm what would the diameter be?

You have to understand that two radius makes up a diameter. That means if given the radius you can just times it by 2 to get the diameter 4 cm= 8cm diameter

What is the radius of a circle with a diameter of 8cm?

Since diameter is 2 x pi x radius, 8 cm / 2 / 3.14 is about 1.3cm. Specifically, 1.2732cm.

If the radius of a circle is 4 cm then what is the diameter?

The diameter would be 8cm, because the diameter is always double the radius. That's why the formula 2'Pi'r is also known as 'Pi'd.

What is the volume of a cylinder that has a height of 8cm and a diameter of 5 cm?

628.32 cubic centimetres (rounded to 2 decimal places).