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Q: If the formula is used to find the mean of the following sample what is the value of n 2 63 88 10 72 9?
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The formula to find the value of X would be Y-2X. This would equal to y-9 times 2 X.

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In a range of cells it can find the highest value. So if you had numbers in all the cells from A2 to A20 and wanted to find the highest you could use the following formula: =MAX(A2:A20)

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I find the following source useful for sample letters. A sample apology letter is also included. See if it helps.

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If you suffer from diabetes, you should be sure to speak to a physician regarding meals that will work for you. The following website, does however, offer sample diabetes menus,

Is there an Excel spreadsheet formula to find offsetting positive and negative numbers in a column of data?

If you mean you want to find how far the numbers are from zero, whether they are positive or negative, you could use the ABS function. So if the first value was in A2, then in B2 you could enter the following formula and copy it down: =ABS(A2)

What does the measure of central trendency tell us about the data?

In general when you take a sample of values of a random variable you will find that those values lie around some central value that is characteristic of the total population for the random variable. A measure of central tendancy (such as a sample mean, sample mode or sample median) is a statistic which is intended to estimate the central value of the population using the values in the sample in some way.