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Then the point is not outside the polygon...?

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Q: If the given point is inside the polygon?
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What is the difference between inscribed and circumscribed?

== == Inscribed is a polygon inside a circle with all points on a given point in the circle. Circumscribed is a circle inside a polygon with any given point touching just one point on the polygon. Hope this helped.

If a line that contains a side of a polygon also contains a point inside the polygon this polygon is this?

It is concave.

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Explain how to tell whether a polygon is a convex?

If, for any two points A and B in the polygon, all points with position A + kB are inside the polygon for 0 ≤ k ≤ 1, then the polygon is convex. In simple terms, if all points on the line AB lie inside the polygon, it is convex. If there is at least one point on AB that is outside the polygon then it is not a convex polygon.

A figure having polygon base and triangular size which me in a point at the tap?

The description given fits that of a pyramid

What is a polygon region?

A polygon region is the area inside the boundaries of a polygon.

What is a solid figure that has a flat polygon base that comes to a point on the top is?

A pyramid would fit the given description

How do you determine whether a polygon is convex or non-convex?

No interior angle of a convex polygon can exceed 180 degrees. A non-convex polygon has at least one reflex angle (> 180 degrees). Alternatively, a polygon is convex if, given any two points on or inside the polygon, the straight line joining the two points must lie wholly on or inside the polygon. In a non-convex polygon, it is possible to find a pair of points such that the straight line joining them lies outside the polygon for at least some of its length.

What is A figure having a polygon base and triangular sides which meet in a point the top?

A pyramid would fit the given description

What is the set of all points inside a polygon?

It is the interior of the polygon.

What is the difference between a regular polygon and a concave polygon?

A regular polygon has all its sides equal and all its angles equal. One consequence is that no angle can be reflex (between 180 and 360 degrees). A concave polygon, on the other hand, must have at least one angle that is a reflex angle. The line joining any two points inside any convex polygon (and that includes regular ones) must lie wholly within the polygon. In a concave polygon, it must be possible to find two point inside the polygon such that the line joining them crosses the boundaries of the polygon.

An Angle inside a polygon?

are you asking for the angle measure of an angle inside a polygon? Not sure what you want to know.