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Q: If the length of an activity is greater than 150 seconds whatenergy system is predominately used.?
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If the length of an activity is greater than 150 seconds what kind of energy is used?

If an activity's duration exceeds 150 seconds, aerobic energy is predominantly utilized. This type of energy production relies on oxygen and is sustainable for longer durations compared to anaerobic energy systems.

Is 90 minutes greater than 540 seconds how many minutes are in is 90 minutes greater than 540 seconds?

There are 5400 seconds in 90 minutes which is greater than 540 seconds

Is 15 minutes greater than 850 seconds?

yes 60 Seconds/minute * 15 minutes = 900 seconds. This is 10 seconds greater than 850 seconds.

Is 12600 seconds greater or less than 3 hours?

Greater - 3 hours is 10,800 seconds.

Is 1 minute less or greater than 45 seconds?

1 minute=60 seconds 1 minute is greater than 45 seconds

Is seconds greater or less than minute?

Minutes are greater than seconds because 60 seconds equal a minute. A minute is 1/60 of a minute

Is 540 seconds greater or less than 8 min?


What energy system is used when an activity that is relatively short in time ( 10 seconds) and has few repetitions predominately called.?

The instantaneous energy system, also known as the immediate energy system or phosphagen system, is primarily used for short-duration, high-intensity activities lasting around 10 seconds. This system relies on stored ATP and creatine phosphate to provide rapid energy for explosive movements.

Which is longer 3000 seconds or 1 hour?

What is greater 3,000 seconds or 1 hour

Is three minutes greater than 160 seconds?

Yes. Three minutes is 180 seconds.

Is 540sec greater than less than or equal to 8min?

It is greater because 8mins = 480 seconds

Which is greater 180 seconds or 3 minutes?

They are equal.