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Q: If the length of an activity is greater than 150 seconds what energy system is predominately used.?
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Why can't the efficiency of a device or a process be greater than 100?

Efficiency cannot be greater than 100% because efficiency measures energy, and since energy is not made, only transfered (conservation of energy) then we cannot gain energy. Hence the energy out must be at most the energy in. Thus efficiency can be at most 100%

What formula is e equals pt?

The formula for energy. E is for energy(Units = Joules) P is for power(Units = Watts) T is for time(Units = Seconds)

Can a simple machine efficiency ever be greater than 100 percent?

No, due to the fact machines loose energy due to heat/thermal energy. you will always loose some amount of energy.

If It takes 300 N to move a box 10 meters in 10 seconds How much power is required?

The total work done or energy transferred is equal to the product of the force and the displacement in the direction of the force applied. In this case it would be 300N x 10m to get 3000J. This energy is transferred in 10 seconds and since power is energy transferred per unit time... 3000J divided by 10 seconds equals 300 Watts or 300 Joules per second.

Two people who weigh the same clim a flight of stairs in 30's while the second person climbs in 40's which person does more work?

The amount of work done by each person can be calculated by analyzing the amount of energy they each use to climb the stairs. Energy is related to work (force multiplied by distance) and can be measured in joules. The person who climbs the stairs in 30 seconds will have used more energy (and thus done more work) than the person who climbs the stairs in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbs in 30 seconds had to exert more force to climb the stairs faster thus expending more energy in a shorter amount of time.The following factors will determine how much work each person did: The weight of each person The amount of stairs climbed The rate of ascent (how fast they climbed the stairs) The amount of energy usedAlthough the two people weigh the same the person who climbed the stairs in 30 seconds used more energy than the person who climbed in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbed in 30 seconds had to exert more force in order to ascend the stairs faster. This force requires more energy to be used and thus the person who climbed in 30 seconds did more work.

Related questions

If the length of an activity is greater than 150 seconds what kind of energy is used?

If an activity's duration exceeds 150 seconds, aerobic energy is predominantly utilized. This type of energy production relies on oxygen and is sustainable for longer durations compared to anaerobic energy systems.

What energy system is used when an activity that is relatively short in time ( 10 seconds) and has few repetitions predominately called.?

The instantaneous energy system, also known as the immediate energy system or phosphagen system, is primarily used for short-duration, high-intensity activities lasting around 10 seconds. This system relies on stored ATP and creatine phosphate to provide rapid energy for explosive movements.

What energy system is important for goal shooter?

The anaerobic energy system is important for a goal shooter in netball as it provides quick bursts of energy needed for explosive movements, such as jumping and sprinting to get into scoring position. Training this energy system can help improve speed, power, and agility on the court.

The higher the temperature of something the greater its?

The greater its kinetic energy.

If two roller coasters have the same mass the one with the greater what will have a greater Kinetic energy?

The one with the greater velocity will have the greater kinetic energy.

Which type of energy becomes greater as the kinetic energy becomes greater?

The kinetic type does.

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If two skydivers are the same distance from the ground the one with the greater mass will have greater aeilnoptt energy?

Potential energy is determined by the mass of an object and its distance from the ground. Therefore, the skydiver with greater mass will have greater potential energy when they are the same distance from the ground.

Which is greater the second ionization energy of potassium or that of calcium?

The second ionization energy of calcium is greater than that of potassium. This is because calcium, with its higher nuclear charge and smaller atomic size compared to potassium, holds onto its electrons more tightly.

What three factors determine the amount of energy required for an activity?

The three factors that determine the amount of energy required for an activity are body weight, intensity of the activity, and the duration of the activity.

Does the ball with greater mass always have greater mechanical energy?

Not necessarily. The mechanical energy of an object depends on both its mass and its velocity. While a larger mass can contribute to greater mechanical energy, a faster-moving object with smaller mass could have greater mechanical energy.

Energy can be lost from this?

Under normal circumstances, energy can't be created or destroyed. But in any activity (and energy is required for any activity), part of the useful energy is converted into unusable energy - for example, waste heat.