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In a word, Yes, unless the denominator is as well, then its positive.
-1/2 is -
1/-2 is -
-1/-2 is +
1/2 is +

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Q: If the numberator is negative is the fraction as a whole negative?
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How do you explain to change a mixed number to an improper fraction and how to change an improper fraction to a mixed number?

mixed # into an improper fraction: multiply the whole number by the denominator(bottom number ont he fraction) then add that number to the numberator(the top number of the fraction. and that's it! improper fraction into a mised number: divide the numberator by the denominator. whatever WHOLE number you get is your number, now for the fraction. whatever you got as the remander when you divided but that on top of the fration. ex 47/5. 5 goes into 47 9 times with a remander of 2. that equals 9 and 2/5.

When a number in a fraction is negative does that mean that the whole fraction is negative?

Yes, it does.

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If you make the donominator the same you will add the numberator but not the dinominator

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What is the fraction under the whole number 1?

It is either a positive or negative proper fraction, 0 or an improper negative fraction.

How does the fraction one and three fifteens look like?

1 as a whole number and 3 fifteenths as the fraction, meaning 1 would stand alone on the left and 3 fifteenths would be in fraction form. Therefore 3 would be the numberator and 15 would be the denominator.

How do you subtract a negative fraction from a negative fraction?

In the same way that you would answer a fraction subtract another fraction. The result could be either positive or negative, just as is the case with negative whole numbers.

What is the fraction of160 percent?

160%= 160/100Divide numberator and denominator by 20= 8/5

What if the numerator or a fraction can't divide into the denominator?

I think you round the numberator to the nearest number it could be divided into and go from there.

Can a radicand be negative?

Yes. It makes a whole number a fraction.

Can some whole numbers be negative?

Yes. A whole number is a number negative or positive from 1 to infinity as long as it is not a fraction or decimal number.

What are not integers?

A decimal or fraction is not an integer. An integer is a positive or negative whole number. Meaning that a positive or negative fraction or decimal is not an integer.yes by what the paper says