Yes. A whole number is a number negative or positive from 1 to infinity as long as it is not a fraction or decimal number.
No. Whole numbers are counting numbers and zero.
6 is a whole number -47.03 is a negative number -179 is a negative whole number
Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.
Different whole numbers are always whole numbers, but I suspect you meant to ask about the difference between whole numbers. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.
Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.
No. Whole numbers are counting numbers and zero.
It depends. Some authors consider "Whole Numbers" to be the positive integers, some consider them to be the non-negative integers, and some consider them to be all integers. For the first two definitions, numbers like -3 would not be considered "whole numbers". With the last definition, negative numbers like -3 would be considered a "whole number".
6 is a whole number -47.03 is a negative number -179 is a negative whole number
No, whole numbers are defined as non-negative integers.
No. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.
Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. All negative integers: -1, -2, -3, ... are whole numbers but they are not natural numbers. There is still some debate among mathematicians as to whether 0 is a natural number or not.
Whole numbers are RATIONAL. That includes negative whole numbers.
Different whole numbers are always whole numbers, but I suspect you meant to ask about the difference between whole numbers. You can subtract two whole numbers and get a negative result. Whole numbers can't be negative.
Yes. ...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3... are all whole numbers. Whole numbers are any numbers that aren't a fraction and that includes negative numbers.
Actually the set of integers is the same as the set of whole numbers since the whole numbers include negative whole numbers and zero.
Natural numbers are sometimes defined to include zero, sometimes not. Equivalent terms therefore may include: positive integers, non-negative integers, whole numbers, positive whole numbers ("whole number" is ambiguous; some take it to include negative numbers, some not).
Negative integers are whole numbers but not natural numbers. Mathematicians are undecided about zero. It is a whole number: some believe zero is a natural number, others do not.