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Are perpendicular to one another.

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Q: If the product of the slopes of two lines equals -1 then the lines?
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If the product of the slopes of two lines equals negative 1 then the lines?

Are perpendicular.

How do you use slope to determine if two lines are perpendicular?

You have to know the slopes of both lines. -- Take the two slopes. -- The lines are perpendicular if (one slope) = -1/(the other slope), or the product of the slopes equals to -1.

How do you calculate parallel and perpendicular lines in a given plane?

Take any two lines and look at their slopes. -- If the slopes are equal, then the lines are parallel. -- If the product of the slopes is -1, then the lines are perpendicular.

What must be true about the slopes of two perpendicular lines neither of which is vertical?

In that case, the product of the slopes is equal to minus 1.

Do two lines that have slopes of 1 and -1 are perpendicular?


When is the product of the slopes of two perpendicular lines not equal to -1?

When the perpendicular lines are horizontal and vertical.

If two lines are parallel what do you know about their slopes?

If two lines are parallel, they have the same slope.(And if they are perpendicular, the product of their slopes is minus one - unless one line is horizontal and the other vertical.)

If two lines are perpendicular what is the product of their respective slopes equal to?

The sum of their slopes is 0. The product of two lines that are perpendicular with slopes m and -m i= -m^2 Hmmmm... Seems we're both wrong again. The answer is -1. See the link I attached.

What are perpindicullar lines?

Perpendicular lines * Two lines that create an angle of 90 degrees and the product of their slopes is -1.

Two numbers are if their product is -1?

Two numbers are negative reciprocals if their product is -1. The numbers 1/2 and -2 are negative reciprocals. Their product is -1. This is often seen in problems involving the slopes of two lines. The slopes of perpendicular lines are negative reciprocals. Their product is -1.

What are perpindicullar?

Perpendicular lines * Two lines that create an angle of 90 degrees and the product of their slopes is -1.

In a coordinate plane two nonvertical lines are what if and only if the product of their slopes is -1?
