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Wow, I must be bored (quick edit):

10.6 trillion

@1.00 second

60s in a minute = $60.00 per minute

60 minutes in hour = 60 per min *60 = 3600

3600 per hour

24 hours in a day = 3600 * 24 = 86400 a day

30 days a month = 86400 * 30 = 2,592,000 a month

12 months in a year = 2592000 * 12 = 31,104,000 a year

31,104,000 *339,000 years = 10,544,156,000,000

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Q: If the us has 10.6 trillion dollar debt how many years will it take to pay it off at 1 dollar per second?
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When did America hit the 1 trillion dollar mark in debt?


If a country's debt-to-GDP is currently 25%and its debt is expected to grow from $16 trillion to $20 trillion in the next ten years, what will be the country's GDP have to be in 10 years to maintain the current debt-to-GDP ratio?

80 trillion

How long does it takes to pay a debt of 6trillion at a rate of 1000 per second?

About 190 years to pay off $6 trillion at $1,000 per second. And that assumes that the $6 trillion balance does not increase during that time.

What years did George W. Bush raise the debt ceiling?

The debt ceiling was raised in 2002 to $6.4 trillion, in 2003 to $7.384 trillion, in 2004 to $8.184 trillion, in 2006 to $8.965 trillion and in 2007 to $9.815 trillion. Bush was President during these years, but you must know the President can not raise the debt ceiling- only Congress can do that.

Did Clinton ever attain zero debt?

Yes, the United States had a surplus under Clinton. No -- the answer above confuses the "debt" with "annual deficit." Yes, Clinton ran an annual budget surplus during certain years of his administration, but no, he did not attain "zero debt." That term refers to the accumulated debt of the U. S. since the 18th century, and Clinton added somewhere between $1.6 trillion and $2 trillion to the debt between 1992 and 2000. For comparative purposes, during the 12 years of the Reagan and first Bush administrations, about $3.2 trillion was added to the debt, and during the 8 years of the George W. Bush administration, about $4.4 trillion was added. -Tedwin223 Improved answer. Actually Bill Clinton gave us a Surplus, giving us SPENDING MONEY! When Bush came into office we plunged into debt and got a trillion dollar deficit.

How large is the national debt of the US?

Officially the estimated national debt of the United States for 2009 is: 12,867,500,000,000 However this figured does not include some long term obligations that could double the cost. In perspective if you made one dollar every second for the next 408,025 years, you would be able to pay it off (at the 12 trillion figure).

How much US Debt in trillions?

Total US Debt: $14.1 Trillion Debt Held by US Public: $9.49 Trillion Debt held by Foreigners: $4.45 Trillion

What country in the world has the most national debt in relationship to their gross national product?

Most likely the United States with our multi-trillion dollar national debt.

What was the national debt 10 years ago?

In 1985 the National debt was around 2 trillion and in 1995 it was just shy of 4 trillion and from there it has taken off now (2011) at 14 trillion and going up at 100-300 billion a day.

What is the national debt of the US government?

Over 14 Trillion dollars. It grows higher every second.

What is national debt in 2015?

It depends on what country you are referring to. Here are the top 6 countries that have the most external debt in US dollars. There are other countries that have a higher debt to GDP ratio though. The U.S. currently has a national debt around 17.5 trillion dollars. The United Kingdom has a national debt of around 10.1 trillion dollars. Germany has a national debt of around 5.7 trillion dollars. France has a national debt of around 5.3 trillion dollars. Japan has a national debt of around 3 trillion dollars. China has a national debt around 3 trillion dollars.

How in debt is US?

Very in debt. The current debt is almost 15 trillion. If the current debt keeps rising the total debt is estimated to hit around 21 trillion.