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A quorum is whatever the rules of the committee say, or the rules of the bigger organization that appointed the committee and to which the committee reports back.

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Q: If there is a 9 member committee what is quorum?
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Most House business is conducted within the Committee of the Whole because this arrangement?

Committee procedures do not require a quorum of the legislators.

Is an ex officio committee member part of quorum?

Yes, they are. They are on the committee by way of their office, but they still have the same rights as other members, and still count for purposes of a quorom.

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That depends on the rules set up by the specific committee, but a common requirement is that MORE THAN HALF of the members be present.

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From the standing committee.

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How many people for quorum for a meeting?

The question of "how many is a quorum" should be answered in the committee, board, or club's bylaws, with a clause such as "membership present shall constitute a quorum for voting" or some will use a percentage. When all else fails - at least 51% of the total membership should be present for a vote.