A correlation coefficient cannot exceed 1.
No! Correlation by itself is not sufficient to infer or prove causation.
The coefficient of nondetermination is found by 1.00-r squared so 1.00-0.35X0.35 1.00-0.1225 0.8772 round it to 0.88
"If coefficient of correlation, "r" between two variables is zero, does it mean that there is no relationship between the variables? Justify your answer".
They equal a minus and two +'s or two -'s equal a + :)
A correlation coefficient of 1 (r=1) is a perfect positive correlation.
No, r is a coefficient.
Positive Correlation
A correlation coefficient cannot exceed 1.
the correlation coefficient range is -1 to +1
No! Correlation by itself is not sufficient to infer or prove causation.
The coefficient of nondetermination is found by 1.00-r squared so 1.00-0.35X0.35 1.00-0.1225 0.8772 round it to 0.88
A correlation of .12 is considered weak in social sciences. It suggests that there is a very minor relationship between the variables being studied. Strong correlations are typically closer to 1 or -1.
a strong negative correlation* * * * *No it is not. It is a very weak positive correlation.
The stronger correlation will be the one whose absolute value is closest to one. For example, r = -.78 is stronger than r=.65, because: |r| = |-.78| = .78 > |r| = |.65| = .65
In science, the symbol "r" typically refers to the correlation coefficient, which measures the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. It ranges from -1 to 1, where 1 indicates a perfect positive correlation, -1 indicates a perfect negative correlation, and 0 indicates no correlation.