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Q: If two attributes have values that decrease at essentially the same rate is that a negative correlation?
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What is a negative correlation?

A negative correlation is a measure of the linear component of a relationship where one variable increase as the other decrease.

What exists if the y-coordinates decrease as the x-coordinates increase?

A negative correlation

Difference between positive and negative correlation?

If the two variables increase together and decrease together AND in a linear fashion, the correlation is positive. If one increases when the other decreases, again, in a linear fashion, the correlation is negative.

What is the implication of any correlation found between the variables?

Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.Correlation is a measure of the degree to which two variables change together. Positive correlation means that the variables increase together and decrease together. Negative correlation means that one variable increases when the other decreases.Correlation does not imply causality.

What does it means to have a correlation in a scatter plot?

A correlation exists in a scatter plot if there is a general trend in the outputs as inputs increase. If the outputs generally increase in value, then there is a positive correlation. If the outputs generally decrease in value, then there is a negative correlation.

What does -0.285 correlation means?

It means you have a slight negative correlation between the two variables of interest. As one increases the other decrease and vice versa, albeit in a weak fashion.

What is the difference between positve and negative correlation?

Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.

What is the process of correlation?

Correlation is a statistical measure that indicates the extent to which two or more variables fluctuate together. A positive correlation indicates the extent to which those variables increase or decrease in parallel; a negative correlation indicates the extent to which one variable increases as the other decreases.

What exist if the y-coordinated decrease as the x-coordinates increase?

You have a negative correlation, or a line, getting lower as it goes further to the right.

Is the number of weeks a film has been out and total attendance a positive negative or no correlation?

In general, as the number of weeks since release increases, total cumulative attendance increases - this would be a positive correlation. However, as the number of weeks since release increases, the total weekly attendance tends to decrease - a negative correlation.

What does the sign of the correlation coefficient tell you about the association?

Positive correlation = positive association Negative correlation = negative association

Explain how you can determine the type of correlation for a set of data pairs by examining the data in a table without drawing a scatter plot?

"If y tends to increase as x increases, then the data have a positive correlation. If y tends to decrease as x increases, then the data have a negative correlation. If the points show no correlation, then the data have approximately no correlation."