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If you create third circle with radius 2, then all the points on that circle would be equidistant form both circles. So the answer is a circle with radius 2.

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Q: If two circles have the same center one with a 3 centimeter radius the other with a 1 centimeter radius What is the equidistant from the two circles?
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What is it called if something is equidistant from the center of the circle?

The radius

What is a point that is equidistant from all points on a circle?

The center of the circle. That's how the circle is defined. (The collection of all points on a plane equidistant from a fixed point. The fixed point is the center and the fixed distance is the radius.)

Can a circle be drawn with any center and any radius?

The center of a circle is the same for all circles but the length of the radius can change

What word would you use to describe two circles of different radius but of the same center?

They are said to be concentric circles.

What is the difference between a circle to an oval?

circle has single center point and is equidistant to point of radius,while oval has four(4) center points with two(2) different radius.

Is the center of a circle the point of intersection for two concentric circles?

Concentric circles are the circles with the same center therefore they do not cross with each other as the "center is not considered a point on the circle". An exception would be two circles that are concentric and have the same radius, in which case the circles are indistinct and every point of the circles is an intersection.

What are circles with the same radius?

Circles with the same radius are congruent circles.

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How do you find the center and radius with an equation not in standard form?

By using Cartesian equations for circles on the Cartesian plane

What is the volume of a cylinder with 12 centimeter height and 7 centimeter radius?

A cylinder with a radius of 7 centimeter and a height of 12 centimeter has a volume of 1,847.26 cm3.

Do you use the radius on only circles?

The question is misguided. You do not use radius only on circles!