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The last side length could be between 4 units and 10 units inclusive.

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Q: If two sides of a triangle are 3 and 7what is the possible lengths for the third side of the triangle?
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Is it possible for a triangle to have sides with lengths 5cm 7cm and 10cm Explain your answer?

if it is a scalene triangle yes scalene triangle have no congruent sides and angles

To what do the internal angles of a triangle add?

In Euclidean geometry, 180. Other answers are possible, depending on the surface on which the triangle is drawn.

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It is not possible to answer the question with only the lengths of two sides of a triangle.

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All three sides have different lengths.

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a scalene triangle is a triangle with three differant sides

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A square's sides have equal lengths, and an equilateral triangle's sides also have equal lengths.

What is one way a scalene and equilateral triangle different?

A scalene triangle has sides of different lengths while an equilateral triangle has sides of equal lengths

What is the triangle that has the lengths of at least two sides?

An EQUILATERAL triangle has all three sides the same length. An ISOSCELES triangle has two sides with the same length. A SCALENE triangle has all three sides different lengths.