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Q: If two women are friends and one one does not reciprocate?
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reciprocate a certification between two state. (It's as much a sentence as the question is.)

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can you please rephrase the question?

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haha because almost every woman does it. when one finds out that her friend has been two-faced she reflects on a time where she has been two-faced.

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It was Faberge Organics and Heather Locklear did one of them and it was made fun of by Wayne in Waynes World 2

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I think it is Amigo Mio by Mazz

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Any Day Now

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There's always three contestants and sometimes 3 sets of contestants during best friends week or similar events

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Your mutual friend on facebook is a one of your friends other friends. If you have 2 mutual friends, it means two of your friends are friends with this one person whom you are not

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Yep I have two. One for my friends one for Family... I think....

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Did you mean friends? One male friend - Amigo One female friend - Amiga Two or more friends (at least one is male) - Amigos Two or more female friends - Amigas

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If they are relatives or best friends , don't read things into it.

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The merging voices of the two women sounded like one voice, is true.The merging voices of two women sounding like one voice is a true statement.