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Think of it this way. If two friends are both positive it is positive. If two friends all always negative they act alike so it is positive. If there is a postive and a negative friends they are not alike so it is negative.

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Q: When you multiply two positive numbers the product will be?
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How do you multiply a negative number by a positive number?

You multiply the numbers just like you would normally except that the product will have a negative sign. Example: -6 X 5 = -30. When you multiply a negative number and a positive number, the product will always be negative. Multiplying two positive numbers or two negative numbers will give you positive products.

How do you find the product of two numbers when one is positive and one is nagative?

Multiply them. The answer will be negative.

How do you find the product of two numbers when one is positive and one is negative?

A product is the answer when you multiply numbers or terms together. The product of two positive numbers is positive. ie. 2x2=4. The product of two negative numbers is positive. ie -(2)x(-2)=4 The product of a negative number and positive number is a negative number. ie. (-2)x 2=-4 In general, multiply the numbers as you normally would, and if the signs are different. the product is negative. If the signs are all the same, the product is positive. Remember that if a negative number is outside brackets, the question might be approached a bit differently.

How do you multiply a negative by a negative?

When multiplying two negative numbers you multiply as you would with regular positive numbers the product will ALWAYS be positive. Example: -3 x -3 = 9

When you multiply two numbers what do you get?

When you multiply two numbers, you get the product

Is product is plus or minus?

In mathematics, the term "product" refers to the result of multiplying two or more numbers together. When you see the phrase "product is plus or minus," it typically means that the result of the multiplication can be either positive or negative, depending on the signs of the numbers being multiplied. For example, when you multiply a positive number by a positive number, the product is positive. When you multiply a negative number by a negative number, the product is also positive.

The product of two posotive numbers or two negative numbers is?

The product of two positive numbers or two negative numbers is a positive number.

What is the result called when you multiply two numbers?

When you multiply two numbers, it is called the product.

When you multiply two numbers what do you call the two numbers that you multiply?

The two (or more) numbers that you multiply are called factors. (The result of the multiplication is called the product.)

The product of two numbers with different signs is always a negative?

The product of negative number and a positive number is always a negative. The product of two positive numbers, or two negative numbers, is always a positive.

How do you find the product of two numbers do you add them together or multiply?

Product = multiply.

When you multiply two numbers then you get?

a product