Let x, y, and a be sets and X,Y,x',y' be elements.
Denote X *x as X in (is an element of) x, I as intersection, and U as union.
If we can show that for all X *x, X *y (and similarly, if for all Y *y, Y *x), then we are done.
Case 1) xIa is empty
Then x, a and y, a have no elements in common. So, if xUa and yUa are equal, then for all y' *yUa but y' not*a, y' *y. Since xUa and yUa are equal, either y' *a or y' *x. But we supposed y' is not*a, so y'*x. Similarly, for all x' *x, x'*y. QED
Case 2) xIa is non-empty
Define a' as a - {x| x *xIa}. Then xIa' is empty, and you can use the same prove as above, replacing a with a'. QED
Intersection of Medians-Centroid Intersection of Altitudes-Orthocentre
A volume.
The origin.
Intersection of Medians-Centroid Intersection of Altitudes-Orthocentre
It is the orthocentre.
A volume.
If all three lines are parallel, there are zero points of intersection. If all three lines go through a point, there is one point of intersection. If two lines are parallel and the third one crosses them, there are two. If the three lines make a triangle, there are three points.
The origin.
the orthocenter (:
Angle a plus angle b subtract from 180 equals angle c
It need not be - it depends on what the three lines are!