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Q: If you add two odd numbers will the sum be odd or even?
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What five odd numbers add up to 100?

No 5 odd numbers add up to 100. The sum of any two odd numbers is even. The sum of any two even numbers is even. So the sum of any 4 odd numbers must be even. Take that and add an odd number and the sum must be odd. Therefore, the sum of any 5 odd numbers must be odd. 100 is even. In conclusion: The sum of any odd number of odd numbers is odd.

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Can you add an even and an odd number where the sum of the numbers will be even?

No. No matter what you use, the sum of an odd number and an even number will always be odd.

What happens when you add two odd numbers?

The sum turns out even.

What happens when you add an odd number and an odd number?

Two odd numbers always sum to an even number. Always. Two even numbers always sum to an even number, and an odd number and an even number always sum to an odd number.

When you add an odd number and odd number what kind of number is sum?

The sum of two odd numbers is an even number.

When you add 4 even numbers will the sum be even or odd and why?

The answer will be even because if the numbers are even, the answer will be even.

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Is sum of odd numbers always even?

The sum of two odd numbers is always even; the sum of three odd numbers is always odd; the sum of four odd numbers is always even; the sum of five odd numbers is always odd; etc

Is the sum of two odd numbers is always odd?

The sum of two odd numbers is always even.

Can the sum of an even and odd number be even?

no, it can't be. that's because only an even and even numbers or odd and odd numbers add up to be even. so no it cannot be even.

Can you add two odd numbers to 23?

The sum of two odd numbers never makes an odd number. Only the sum of an odd number and an even number makes an odd number.