if i am 55 years old what year was i born? 2014-55=1959 if you were born before this date. 1958,if born after this date.
Since this is 2014, subtract 2014-11= 2003 was the year in which you were born.
your would have been born in 1954
As of 2014, you were born in 1945.
If you will turn 65 in 2014, then you were born in 1949.
if i am 55 years old what year was i born? 2014-55=1959 if you were born before this date. 1958,if born after this date.
Since this is 2014, subtract 2014-11= 2003 was the year in which you were born.
If you are 55 years old and have not yet celebrated your birthday in 2010, then you were born in 1954.
your would have been born in 1954
If you are 55 on the 13th of January 2018, you were born in 1963.
As of 2014, you were born in 1945.
If you will turn 65 in 2014, then you were born in 1949.
On 12 November 1961+55
My year of birth was 1953. Your age in 2014 is quite irrelevant to that answer.
In 2014, you are 64 if you were born in 1949 or 1950. (If your 64th birthday falls in 2014, you were born in 1950.)
Compass Cabaret 55 - 2014 was released on: USA: 16 March 2014
Recent year minus your age is equal to year you born. 2010 minus 6 equal to 2004. Answer is 2004.