In 2014, you are 64 if you were born in 1949 or 1950. (If your 64th birthday falls in 2014, you were born in 1950.)
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
Born in 1949 so as of this year he is 64.
Assuming that today, February 15, 2010, is your 64th birthday, you would have been born in 1946.
The question was posted on 2 August 2012. So you were born in 1948.
You would be 63 years old. Assuming that your Birthday for this year (2008) has already passed. If it is later in the year then you would be 62. Since it is now 2009 you would be 64.
If you are 64 years old, you can determine the year you were born in by subtracting your age from the current year. Since the current year is 2021, subtracting 64 from 2021 gives you the year 1957. Therefore, if you are 64 years old, you were born in 1957.
In 2014, if a person is 64 years old, then he was born in 1950.
You would have been born in 1962... same as me !
Where you were born is irrelevant. In 2017 (now) you would be 64 years old if you have had your birthday this year, otherwise you are 63.
Born in 1949 so as of this year he is 64.
Peter was born about the year AD1 and died between 64 and 67.
Assuming that today, February 15, 2010, is your 64th birthday, you would have been born in 1946.
The question was posted on 2 August 2012. So you were born in 1948.
He was born about the year 540 and died on March 12, 604, at the age of 64.
He was 49 or 50 depending on which month. He turned 50 in Jan since he was born in 1948.