If you turn 65 this year (2010) you were born in 1945. But if you were born in 1944 and your most recent birthday was in 2009, you are 65 until your birthday in 2010.
You were born in 1948. (2013 - 65 = 1,948).
If you will turn 65 in 2014, then you were born in 1949.
65 this year
Given the current year of 2010, if someone had already celebrated their birthday today, they would have been born in 2010 - 65 = 1945. If they had not yet celebrated their birthday, they would have been born in 1944.
2014 - 1949 = 65 → you were 65 on your birthday this year. Today is 20 February, so depending upon which day in January you were born, you will be one of the between 65 years 20 days and 65 years 51 days old inclusive.
You were born in 1948. (2013 - 65 = 1,948).
If you will turn 65 in 2014, then you were born in 1949.
2013 - 65 = 1948
65 this year
Oh, dude, if you wanna be 65 years old, you gotta do some math in your head... or just ask Siri. Like, if you wanna be 65, you gotta subtract 65 from the current year. So, if it's 2021, you'd have to be born in 1956. Math, man, it's wild.
Given the current year of 2010, if someone had already celebrated their birthday today, they would have been born in 2010 - 65 = 1945. If they had not yet celebrated their birthday, they would have been born in 1944.
If you were born in 1898 and died in 1963, you would have lived for 65 years. To calculate your age at the time of your death, you would subtract your birth year from your death year: 1963 - 1898 = 65.
2014 - 1949 = 65 → you were 65 on your birthday this year. Today is 20 February, so depending upon which day in January you were born, you will be one of the between 65 years 20 days and 65 years 51 days old inclusive.
What age? Let's say 65 years old. Treating year of birth as a number (which it is!), just add them: 1979 + 65 = ? You can do it in your head. Or longhand on paper. Or use a calculator.
If you were born on July 27 you would be 65 years old. But if you weren't, it depends on what day of the year you were born.
Buck 65 was born on March 4, 1972.
65, as of September 29, 2014 and provided their birthday was on or before this date. The simple way to calculate the age is to subtract the birth year, 1949 from the current year. So 2014 minus 1949 is 65.