If you will turn 65 in 2014, then you were born in 1949.
If you turn 65 this year (2010) you were born in 1945. But if you were born in 1944 and your most recent birthday was in 2009, you are 65 until your birthday in 2010.
If a person was born on any date in 1944, then on the same date in 2009 the person would turn 65.
65 this year
You would be turning 65 on September 8, 2013.
2013 - 65 = 1948
If you will turn 65 in 2014, then you were born in 1949.
If you turn 65 this year (2010) you were born in 1945. But if you were born in 1944 and your most recent birthday was in 2009, you are 65 until your birthday in 2010.
On 25 June until 14 December 2013, they would be aged 64, and then turn 65 years old on 15 December 2013.
Why should the 65 year old owe anything!
If a person was born on any date in 1944, then on the same date in 2009 the person would turn 65.
65 this year
Yolanda Saldívar was born September 19, 1960. She was sentenced to life in 1995 but is eligible for parole after 30 years, which is in 2025. She will turn 65 that year.
Oh, dude, if you wanna be 65 years old, you gotta do some math in your head... or just ask Siri. Like, if you wanna be 65, you gotta subtract 65 from the current year. So, if it's 2021, you'd have to be born in 1956. Math, man, it's wild.
You would be turning 65 on September 8, 2013.
Given the current year of 2010, if someone had already celebrated their birthday today, they would have been born in 2010 - 65 = 1945. If they had not yet celebrated their birthday, they would have been born in 1944.
65% = 65/100 = 13/20