Note: The exact year of birth may change based on the month of birth. Assuming the person is exactly 68 years as of Feb 2010 he should have been born in Feb 1942
One thousand eight hundred and sixty eight. As a year you would write "eighteen hundred sixty eight"
Sixty Eight Guns was created in 1983.
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths = 0.00068
Eight-hundred sixty-thousand (860,000).
Sixty-eight and four tenths
One thousand eight hundred and sixty eight. As a year you would write "eighteen hundred sixty eight"
The number 268 is "two hundred sixty-eight." (As a year or address it may be spoke "two sixty-eight.")
The number 268 is "two hundred sixty-eight." (As a year or address it may be spoke "two sixty-eight.")
The number 1864 is one thousand eight hundred sixty-four. The year 1864 is "eighteen sixty-four."
Sixty Eight Guns was created in 1983.
In 2010 their age will be sixty-eight.
sixty eight rooms
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths = 0.00068
Nine hundred sixty-eight.
Eight hundred sixty-eight and eleven hundredths.
The number 76 is "seventy-six."