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Q: If you arrive in a class 45 seconds after leaving math which is 90 meters away how far did you travel?
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When You arrive in my class 45 seconds after leaving math which is 90 meters away . How fast did you travel?

Two metres per second !

If You arrive in my class 45 seconds after leaving math which is 90 meters away. how fast did you travel?

You travelled at an average speed of 2 metres per second.

At 45 mph will at take to travel 500 meters?

At 45 mph, it will take approximately 20 seconds to travel 500 meters.

How long does it take to travel 44 meters travelling at 48 kph?

It will take 3.3 seconds to travel 44 meters at 48kph.

If a person runs at a speed of 4 meters per second How far will the person travel in 40 seconds?

(4 meters/second)(40 seconds) = 160 meters.

How many seconds will it take for a satellite to travel 450 km at a rate of 120 meters per seconds?

(450,000 meters) x (1 second/120 meters) = 3,750 seconds( 1hour 2minutes 30seconds )

How many meters will sound travel in 30 seconds?

The speed of sound at sea level is 10,208.7 meters per 30 seconds.

How long would it take a duck to travel 500 meters in seconds?

it would take 75 seconds

How far can sound travel in 2 seconds?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second in air at room temperature. Therefore, in 2 seconds, sound can travel up to 686 meters.

If sound travels 331 meters per second how many seconds to travel a kilometer?

distance = rate * time 1000 meters = 331 meters/second * x seconds x = 1000 / 331 So about 3 seconds.

How far does sound travel through water in 4 seconds?

Sound travels at a speed of approximately 1,500 meters per second in water. Therefore, in 4 seconds, sound would travel approximately 6,000 meters through water.

How far will you travel in 3 minutes running at a rate of 6 meters per second?

3 minutes = 3 * 60 = 180 seconds. 180 seconds * 6 meters/sec = 1080 meters.